Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Oh dear.


Blog entry number two and already I have got writers block, I had previously written some twaddle about why I’m scared about my second entry but after reading it I realised that it was the written equivalent of dancing for your supper, it was pathetic and quite frankly had I posted I would have cut my own face off, fried it and eaten it, it was that cringe worthy.

So the block of fear that stops me sticking words down seems to be slowly getting out of my way as I feel that I can just happily tap away and see what happens. My main issue right now with this entry is that its a bit of an oxymoron in that I’m writing about the fact that I have nothing to write about. Seems a little stupid now that I have written it down but this is what it is, me sitting in bed, post wankathon trying to think of something worth writing and failing MISERABLY!

I have several topics that I would like to write about but right now it seems that its going to take quote a bit of research to do properly, the topics are as follows; my weight and will I ever lose it, originality and does it really exist (this is something I’ve thought about ever since I saw Jurassic Park back in ‘93, I thought it was the most original film I had ever seen, please bear in mind that I was 13 at the time and then realised that this wasn’t original but merely and amalgamation of previously told stories, this made me very, very sad.) and finally our constant need for technology and information and where it will possibly lead us as a consumer minded folk in the coming future.

All rather boring and dull things that I will struggle to write as I will have this deep rooted worry that if anyone other then Ben reads this they may feel immensely bored and/or lost and primarily think I am a self righteous twat. I say this because the large majority of blogs I have read are just mind bogglingly crap and do nothing but regurgitate shite and inane rubbish that typically makes me want boil my own eyes and drink them down so that I never have to read anything like that again, so by saying that I am giving the impression to my lovely readers that I will be bestowing them with something so amazing and revolutionary that they will see me as a new messiah and I will become famous and people will hang on my every word. That’s not going to happen as I have nothing but shite and regurgitated bits of the Internet to show my lovers and smothers.

It 1:21 on a Monday morning so I’m going to call it a night and post this little blog and see what happens.

Till next time my sweet bunnies x

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