Tuesday, 3 August 2010


Hello folks, if in fact anyone ever reads this, I’m not sure what I am doing here as of yet, Ben at work said that I should start a blog as apparently I have a lot to say though I’m thinking that its a huge amount of gibberish which I spout out at random intervals of the day usually triggered by utter boredom.

I’m not a deep thinker, my mind generally flies by the seat of its pants (cue image of my brain wearing y-fronts) which probably makes me the worst person to write a blog as no doubt I will grow bored of this or continue to write drivel that everyone ignores when I shout out about it on Twitter (fuck Facebook, I don’t want anyone in the real world reading this!*).

If you are reading this then you either came here by accident or I grew some balls and thought that what I was writing was of interest to the rest of the universe (aliens have Internet connections as well I reckon but we’ll come to that at some stage) and will eventually regret ever mentioning it. The mere notion that some one will read this already makes me feel a bit giddy. In real life I’m full of opinion, arrogance, rudeness and an all round cunt with a comedy zing to it and tend to find that I either massively offend people or I get away with saying some horrendously crass things, on twitter I’m not quite like that as I generally find that I fuck up something funny with bad grammar or just plain forget to put words in or something that would be funny if said just comes across as being rude or pervy but mainly I restrict myself from being myself on twitter because I don’t know the people who I interact with, some times on a daily basis and I don’t know how they would react, I find myself stifling my opinions so that I don’t offend people, for me this always feels odd as if I’m doing my own PR.

So any way looking back at this post I can already see that my blog entries will most likely go off on tangents, rarely linked in with what I’m talking about.

C’est la vie

*I am aware of the irony of this statement

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